Red-brown to grey-brown, with a moderately short pronotum that is only gently contracted near the base. On the ventral side between the metacoxae males have a weak boss that is not usually darkened and is obtusely angled at is anterior end.
An extremely abundant and widely distributed species that often occurs together with the larger and more elongate Anilara longicollis on the dead or dying twigs and foliage of fallen Eucalypt branches.
Legend | records | count of breeding adults, pupae and larvae |
sites | count of major sites (unique 10 km grid cells +/- some distinct approximate localities) |
adult | live = extracted alive; dead = extracted dead as intact or fragmentary remains; ex billet = reared and emerged from stored sections of host; ex pupa = reared from sampled pupa |
pupa | extracted pupa; pupa ex larva = reared pupa from larva |
larva | extracted larva (any stage including prepupa) |
gall (only) | hatched or unhatched gall identified by form and position rather than contents |
Plant names in green are hyperlinked to a matching host species page with plant photos. |
I have collected adults from the dead foliage of a wide range of Eucalyptus species, and reared them from billets cut from fallen branches of Grey Box E. microcarpa in Adelaide. I also extracted dead remains of one individual from a dead fallen branch of E. microcarpa at a nearby Adelaide site. Other larval host plant species have been demonstrated in the SE Region by A.M.P. Stolarski, the first record being two dead individuals extracted from a stem of Ridge-fruit Mallee E. incrassata which had fallen over about 12 months earlier. Seven live adults were later obtained from the wood of a dead, but still standing, Narrow-leaf Mallee (E. leptophylla).
It is expected that breeding can occur in most, if not all, of the Eucalypt species on which the adults have been found.
¹ Legend | regions | SA State Herbarium regions (map)
EA: Eastern, EP: Eyre Peninsula, FR: Flinders Ranges, GT: Gairdner-Torrens, KI: Kangaroo Island, LE: Lake Eyre, MU: Murray, NL: Northern Lofty, NU: Nullarbor, NW: North-Western, SE: South-Eastern, SL: Southern Lofty, YP: Yorke Peninsula |
| size | The ellipse is the correct size when printed, indicative on a desktop screen, and likely to be wrong on a mobile device. |