Host Dillwynia sparsifolia for Buprestidae of South Australia
( Jewel beetles )
by Peter J. Lang
Host plant Dillwynia sparsifolia
Dillwynia sparsifolia plnt Denzel Murfet Monarto CP Dillwynia sparsifolia flwr Denzel Murfet Monarto CP Dillwynia sparsifolia, PJL 2625, Monarto CP, MU, 4 Oct 2008, by P.J. Lang, flower
Larval host: Buprestidae species recorded breeding in Dillwynia sparsifolia, displayed in reverse count order
Ethonion cf. reichei Mallee, PL3558, female, alive with legs held tight against body, EP
Ethonion cf. reichei Mallee (88)
Ethonion cf. reichei Mallee, PL1531, female, on Dillwynia sparsifolia (for photo), EP
shown on Dillwynia sparsifolia (for photo)
Ethonion cf. reichei Mallee, PL1532, larva, in Dillwynia sparsifolia (PJL 2690) stem gall, dissected, EP
Ethonion cf. reichei Mallee, PL1532E, larva, three dorsal views, EP
Melobasis propinqua verna, PL3264, male, from Pultenaea tenuifolia, SE
Melobasis propinqua verna (2)
Melobasis propinqua verna, PL0146A, PL0146B, male, on Pultenaea largiflorens, SL
shown on Pultenaea largiflorens
Melobasis propinqua verna, PL3856, non-emerged adult, in Pultenaea involucrata (PJL 3142) stem base, SL
Melobasis propinqua verna, PL3835x, pupa, from Pultenaea densifolia (PJL 3129), same pupa 4 days later on RHS, SE
Melobasis propinqua verna, PL3826A, prepupa, from Pultenaea tenuifolia (PJL 3122), dorsal & ventral, MU
Melobasis propinqua verna, PL3825A, larva, from Pultenaea tenuifolia (PJL 3121) root crown, MU
Melobasis propinqua verna, PL3825A, larva, MU
Adult host: Buprestidae species recorded as adults on Dillwynia sparsifolia, displayed in reverse count order
Ethonion cf. reichei Mallee, PL3558, female, alive with legs held tight against body, EP
Ethonion cf. reichei Mallee (4)
Ethonion cf. reichei Mallee, PL1531, female, on Dillwynia sparsifolia (for photo), EP
shown on Dillwynia sparsifolia (for photo)
Melobasis propinqua verna, PL3264, male, from Pultenaea tenuifolia, SE
Melobasis propinqua verna (2)
Melobasis propinqua verna, PL0146A, PL0146B, male, on Pultenaea largiflorens, SL
shown on Pultenaea largiflorens