Host Lepidosperma hispidulum for Buprestidae of South Australia
( Jewel beetles )
by Peter J. Lang
Host plant Lepidosperma hispidulum
Lepidosperma hispidulum p Denzel Murfet KI Lepidosperma hispidulum plant fruit DEM9355 Loechel Park
Larval host: Buprestidae species recorded breeding in Lepidosperma hispidulum, displayed in reverse count order
Meliboeithon confusum, PL5771, male, EP
Meliboeithon confusum (2)
Meliboeithon confusum, PL4139, male, on Allocasuarina muelleriana ssp. muelleriana, SE
shown on Allocasuarina muelleriana ssp. muelleriana
Meliboeithon confusum, PL5814A, larva, in Lepidosperma hispidulum culm, SE, photo by A.M.P. Stolarski
Meliboeithon confusum, PL5814, larval host plant, Lepidosperma hispidulum, showing position of exit hole (arrowed), SE, photo by A.M.P. Stolarski
shown Lepidosperma hispidulum
Adult host: Buprestidae species recorded as adults on Lepidosperma hispidulum, displayed in reverse count order
Euryspilus australis, PL5639, male, SE
Euryspilus australis (8)
Euryspilus australis, PL5648, female, on Lepidosperma hispidulum (PJL 3594), SE
shown on Lepidosperma hispidulum (PJL 3594)
Euryspilus sp. Hirsute, PL5684, female, from Lepidosperma hispidulum, EP
Euryspilus sp. Hirsute (2), shown on Lepidosperma hispidulum
Euryspilus sp. Hirsute, PL5684, female, on Lepidosperma hispidulum, EP
shown on Lepidosperma hispidulum