Barker 2006c notes that it resembles A. badeni but is not as broad as that species. Apart from differences in elytral patterning, it appears to be similar to A. jansoni, a species that is also associated with Native pines (Callitris spp.).
Currently only known in SA from the holotype collection, "50 km SE Kimba on Cowell rd ". This is a major disjunction from the other listed occurrences in NSW, all from Round Hill Nature Reserve in the western mallee district of that State (Barker 2006c).
Legend | P.J.Lang collection vouchered records | |
other private collection or museum specimens, or sightings |
Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun |
Legend | ||
9 | number of active beetles, actually recorded in that quarter-month | |
actual count > 1 (median) | ||
actual count <= 1 (median) |
beetles | sites | SA regions¹ | family | position on host plant | ||
Callitris sp. | 1 | 1 | EP | C |
Legend | beetles | count of beetles collected from, or sighted on, host plant taxon |
sites | count of major sites (unique 10 km grid cells +/- some distinct approximate localities) |
Code | beetles | % | host plant taxa | |
C | Cupressaceae | 1 | 100% | 1 |
position | beetles | sites | |
on plant (unspecified) | 1 | 1 |
Numerous adults have been collected from the foliage of White Cypress Pine (Callitris glaucophylla) in the Round Hill Nature Reserve, NSW. This tree is common in the Flinders Ranges and other more arid parts of SA, but reaches its southern limit towards the area where the holotype was collected. The host for that collection, recorded as "Callitris sp.", is more likely to be Callitris gracilis or C. verrucosa.
¹ Legend | regions | SA State Herbarium regions (map) EA: Eastern, EP: Eyre Peninsula, FR: Flinders Ranges, GT: Gairdner-Torrens, KI: Kangaroo Island, LE: Lake Eyre, MU: Murray, NL: Northern Lofty, NU: Nullarbor, NW: North-Western, SE: South-Eastern, SL: Southern Lofty, YP: Yorke Peninsula |