Buprestidae of South Australia
( Jewel beetles )
by Peter J. Lang
Neocuris cuprilatera   Fairmaire, 1877
subfamily  Buprestinae » tribe  Curidini » subtribe  Neocurina
Neocuris cuprilatera   Adult images
Neocuris cuprilatera, PL5531, female, on Ozothamnus retusus, EP, 5.0 × 2.3 mm Neocuris cuprilatera, PL4803B, male, from pupa ex Ozothamnus retusus (PJL 3504) stem, MU, 4.3 × 2.0 mm Neocuris cuprilatera, PL4842B, female, from pupa ex Ozothamnus retusus (PJL 3516) stem, SE, 4.6 × 2.1 mm Neocuris cuprilatera, PL4842A, male, from pupa ex Ozothamnus retusus (PJL 3516) stem, SE, 4.4 × 1.9 mm Neocuris cuprilatera, PL5531, on Ozothamnus retusus, EP, 5.0 × 2.3 mm Neocuris cuprilatera, PL5531, on Ozothamnus retusus, EP, 5.0 × 2.3 mm Neocuris cuprilatera, PL5531, on Ozothamnus retusus, EP, 5.0 × 2.3 mm
4.5 mm
2.0 mm
Measurements (mm)
4.05 – 4.95
n = 144.7
4.4 – 5.05
n = 7
4.05 – 4.8
n = 144.5
4.35 – 4.9
n = 7
1.85 – 2.25
n = 132.1
2 – 2.3
n = 7
Legend  L1length from clypeus/frons to elytral apex (mean, range, sample size)
L2length from anterior of edge of eyes to elytral apex
Wmaximum width with elytra fully closed
Neocuris cuprilatera  Distinctive features

Pronotum broad and with rounded sides marked by a well-defined lateral zone of metallic colouration. In the male the lateral margins are greenish from above (iridescent to blue at their anterior ends) and bright green in side view; in the female, somewhat coppery from above and pink-red in side view. Resembles N. thoracica (q.v. for differences listed there) but differing in its broader and flatter body shape, the somewhat depressed frons, narrower and more sharply defined metallic margins on the pronotum which is more often green in males, lack of golden reflections on the elytra, more extensive blue to green colouration below and a narrower tip to the aedeagus.


This taxon was treated on this website under the phrase name Neocuris sp. Subulate aedeagus until March 2021. There were relatively few specimens of N. cuprilatera from this State in the SA Museum, and most of them had been misidentified as N. thoracica including an old collection with the location 'S. Australia'.

Examination of specimens collected at Flinders Chase on Kangaroo Island over a number of years in a pollination study run by D. Paton revealed that there were good numbers of both N. cuprilatera and N. thoracica co-occurring there as distinct taxa with no sign of intergradation. Both are in reasonable agreement with the original descriptions by Fairmaire 1877b , although he described N. cuprilatera as being 'Dark shiny cyan'. In specimens from SA the background colour is usually dark grey to black and only a few individuals show some very weak bluish reflections. In eastern NSW, forms with strong blackish-blue coloration are common. The name Neocuris indigacea Obenberger (1923), regarded by Carter 1928 as a synonym of N. cuprilatera, has sometimes been applied to strongly bluish forms.

SA Regions¹:  EPMUKISE
Australian States:  WASAVICNSWQLD
Southern South Australian occurrences
LegendP.J.Lang collection vouchered records
other private collection or museum specimens, or sightings
Satellite map
Terrain map
Enlarge map
Adult activity records for Neocuris cuprilatera  (total actual records: 14 beetles)
Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
number of active beetles, actually recorded in that quarter-month
actual count > 3.5 (median)
actual count <= 3.5 (median)
live non-emerged (inactive) beetles only
Adult host plants
beetles sites SA regions¹ family position on host plant
Eucalyptus sp.61KIM
Legendbeetlescount of beetles collected from, or sighted on, host plant taxon
sitescount of major sites (unique 10 km grid cells +/- some distinct approximate localities)
Plant names in green are hyperlinked to a matching host species page with plant photos.
Plant family
Code beetles % host plant taxa
M Myrtaceae 12 86% 2
A Asteraceae 2 14% 1
Position on adult host
on flowering plant143
Lure affinity
colour beetles sites SA regions¹
bright green21SE
Neocuris cuprilatera Breeding record images
Neocuris cuprilatera, PL4801Ox, pupa, in Ozothamnus retusus (PJL 3504) stem, MU Neocuris cuprilatera, PL4801Ox, pupa, in Ozothamnus retusus (PJL 3504) stem, MU Neocuris cuprilatera, PL4801J, PL4801K, female (x2), pupae, from Ozothamnus retusus (PJL 3504) stem, MU Neocuris cuprilatera, PL4801J, PL4801K, female (x2), pupae, from Ozothamnus retusus (PJL 3504) stem, MU Neocuris cuprilatera, PL4801G, PL4801H & PL4801I, male (x2) and female, pupae, from Ozothamnus retusus (PJL 3504) stem, MU Neocuris cuprilatera, PL4801G, PL4801H & PL4801I, male (x2) and female, pupae, from Ozothamnus retusus (PJL 3504) stem, MU Neocuris cuprilatera, PL4637, male, reared adult, in Ozothamnus retusus, MU, 4.6 × 2.1 mm Neocuris cuprilatera, PL4637, male, reared adult, from Ozothamnus retusus, MU, 4.6 × 2.1 mm Neocuris cuprilatera, PL4637, male, reared adult, from Ozothamnus retusus, MU, 4.6 × 2.1 mm Neocuris cuprilatera, PL4841, female, dead non-emerged adult, in Ozothamnus retusus (PJL 3516) stem, SE Neocuris cuprilatera, PL4841, female, dead non-emerged adult, in Ozothamnus retusus (PJL 3516) stem, SE Neocuris cuprilatera, PL4841, female, dead non-emerged adult, in Ozothamnus retusus (PJL 3516) stem, SE Neocuris cuprilatera, PL4808, male, dead non-emerged adult, in Ozothamnus retusus (PJL 3505) stem, SE, 4.4 × 2.1 mm Neocuris cuprilatera, PL4808, male, dead non-emerged adult, in Ozothamnus retusus (PJL 3505) stem, SE, 4.4 × 2.1 mm Neocuris cuprilatera, PL4808, male, dead non-emerged adult, in Ozothamnus retusus (PJL 3505) stem, SE, 4.4 × 2.1 mm Neocuris cuprilatera, PL4808, male, dead non-emerged adult, SE, 4.4 × 2.1 mm
Larval host plant
records sites SA regions¹ family adult deadadult ex pupapupalarva
693MU, SEA4182720
Legendrecordscount of breeding adults, pupae and larvae
sitescount of major sites (unique 10 km grid cells +/- some distinct approximate localities)
adultlive = extracted alive;   dead = extracted dead as intact or fragmentary remains;   ex billet = reared and emerged from stored sections of host;   ex pupa = reared from sampled pupa
pupaextracted pupa;   pupa ex larva = reared pupa from larva
larvaextracted larva (any stage including prepupa)
gall (only)hatched or unhatched gall identified by form and position rather than contents
Plant names in green are hyperlinked to a matching host species page with plant photos.
Plant family
Code records % host plant taxa
A Asteraceae 69 100% 1
Position in larval host
positionrecordssitesadult deadadult ex pupapupalarva
dead stem212
¹ LegendregionsSA State Herbarium regions (map)
EA: Eastern, EP: Eyre Peninsula, FR: Flinders Ranges, GT: Gairdner-Torrens, KI: Kangaroo Island, LE: Lake Eyre, MU: Murray, NL: Northern Lofty, NU: Nullarbor, NW: North-Western, SE: South-Eastern, SL: Southern Lofty, YP: Yorke Peninsula
sizeThe ellipse is the correct size when printed, indicative on a desktop screen, and likely to be wrong on a mobile device.