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Regional Species Conservation Assessments per IBRA subregion.
Least concern
Near threatened
Critically endangered
Data deficient
Coober Pedy
Mount Gambier
Display IBRA region text
Bridgewater (NCP01) | Naracoorte Coastal Plain | Near Threatened |
Glenelg Plain (NCP02) | | Rare (IUCN: RA d(ii)) |
Lucindale (NCP03) | | Least Concern |
Tintinara (NCP04) | | Least Concern |
Kangaroo Island (KAN01) | Kanmantoo | Near Threatened [fire responsive; 1 pop within a reserve] |
Fleurieu (KAN02) | | Least Concern [fire responsive] |
Mount Lofty Ranges (FLB01) | Flinders Lofty Block | Least Concern [fire responsive] |
Broughton (FLB02) | | Least Concern [Grazing a threat] |
Olary Spur (FLB03) | | Least Concern [Grazing a threat] |
Southern Flinders (FLB04) | | Least Concern [Grazing a threat] |
Northern Flinders (FLB05) | | Rare (IUCN: RA d(i,ii)) (Probable Decline) [disturbance, weeds - threats] |
Central Flinders (FLB06) | | Rare (IUCN: RA d(i,ii)) (Probable Decline) [disturbance, weeds - threats] |
Southern Yorke (EYB01) | Eyre Yorke Block | Least Concern [Grazing a threat. Very small, probably more around. Stable.] |
St Vincent (EYB02) | | Near Threatened [Grazing a threat. Data deficient, should be more records.] |
Eyre Hills (EYB03) | | Least Concern |
Talia (EYB04) | | Least Concern |
Eyre Mallee (EYB05) | | Least Concern |
Murray Mallee (MDD02) | Murray Darling Depression | Rare (IUCN: RA d(i,ii)) (Probable Decline) [edge of range] |
Murray Lakes and Coorong (MDD03) | | Near Threatened (Probable Decline) [grazing, weeds - threats] |
Lowan Mallee (MDD04) | | Rare (IUCN: RA d(i,ii)) [edge of range] |
Wimmera (MDD05) | | Rare (IUCN: RA d(i,ii)) |
Braemer (MDD07) | | Least Concern [Grazing a threat] |
Myall Plains (GAW01) | Gawler | Least Concern |
Gawler Volcanics (GAW02) | | Least Concern |
Yellabinna (GVD06) | Great Victoria Desert | Rare (IUCN: RA d(ii)) [edge of range] |
Yalata (NUL03) | Nullarbor | Rare (IUCN: RA d(ii)) [edge of range] |
Barrier Range (BHC01) | Broken Hill Complex | Least Concern [Grazing a threat] |
Barrier Range Outwash (BHC04) | | Least Concern [Grazing a threat] |
Bimbowrie (BHC05) | | Least Concern [Grazing a threat] |
Strzelecki Desert (SSD05) | Simpson Strzelecki Dunefields | Rare (IUCN: RA d(i,ii)) [edge of range] |
4 of 4 subregions | Naracoorte Coastal Plain | Least Concern , Near Threatened , Rare |
2 of 2 subregions | Kanmantoo | Least Concern , Near Threatened |
6 of 6 subregions | Flinders Lofty Block | Least Concern , Rare |
5 of 5 subregions | Eyre Yorke Block | Least Concern , Near Threatened |
5 of 6 subregions | Murray Darling Depression | Least Concern , Near Threatened , Rare |
2 of 8 subregions | Gawler | Least Concern |
Yellabinna (GVD06) | Great Victoria Desert | Rare (IUCN: RA d(ii)) [edge of range] |
Yalata (NUL03) | Nullarbor | Rare (IUCN: RA d(ii)) [edge of range] |
3 of 4 subregions | Broken Hill Complex | Least Concern |
Strzelecki Desert (SSD05) | Simpson Strzelecki Dunefields | Rare (IUCN: RA d(i,ii)) [edge of range] |
Botanical art
Kath Alcock painting: 1
Prior names
Helipterum demissum
Pteropogon demissus
Helipterum exiguum
Common names
Moss Sunray
Dwarf Sunray
Hyalosperma, from the Greek 'hyalos,' meaning glass and 'sperma', meaning a seed, refers to the transparent wing of the achenes. Demissum, from the Latin 'demissus' meaning drooping, referring to the species' habit.
Distribution and status
Found in the southern part of South Australia growing on shallow soils in a variety of habitats, often on shallow or stony soils. Also found in Western Australia, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania. Native. Common in South Australia. Rare in Tasmania. Common in the other States.
Herbarium regions: Gairdner-Torrens, Flinders Ranges, Eyre Peninsula, Northern Lofty, Murray, Yorke Peninsula, Southern Lofty, Kangaroo Island, South Eastern, Green Adelaide
AVH map: SA distribution map (external link)
Plant description
Annual prostrate herb to 2.5cm tall with glabrous stems. Leaves opposite to alternate, to 5 mm long and 1 mm wide; triangular in cross-section or flattened cylindrical, channelled above; hairless or sparsely hairy, with smooth edges and a straight mucro. Flower-heads globular to cup-shaped to cylindrical, borne singly at the ends of the stems; surrounded by leave, with white or greenish-yellow flowers with no petals. Flowering between August and October.; Fruits are dense brown head. Seeds are light brown seed to 0.8 mm long and 0.4 mm wide, with a mesh-like surface. Seed embryo type is spathulate.
Seed collection and propagation
Collect seeds between October and December. Collect heads or whole plants that are drying off and turning brown. Each head should have numerous tiny seeds. Place the heads in a tray for a week to dry. Then rub the heads gently with your hands to dislodge the seeds. Use a fine sieve to separate the seeds from the unwanted material. Be careful as the seeds are very small. Store the seeds with a desiccant such as dried silica beads or dry rice, in an air tight container in a cool and dry place. From one collection, the seed viability was high, at 90%. Seeds are non-dormant, viable seed should germinate readily.
Location | No. of seeds (weight grams) | Number of plants | Date collected | Collection number Collection location | Date stored | % Viability | Storage temperature | BGA MSB | 17,300 (0.83 g) 17,300 (0.83 g) | 50 | 10-Oct-2007 | RJB74759 Southern Lofty | 19-Sep-2008 | 90% | -18°C |
Location: BGA — the seeds are stored at the Adelaide Botanic Gardens, MSB — the seeds are stored at the Millennium Seed Bank, Kew, England.
Number of plants: This is the number of plants from which the seeds were collected.
Collection location: The Herbarium of South Australia's region name.
% Viability: Percentage of filled healthy seeds determined by a cut test or x-ray.