Grey Wattle,
Grey Mulga-bush
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Regional Species Conservation Assessments per IBRA subregion.
Least concern
Near threatened
Critically endangered
Data deficient
Coober Pedy
Mount Gambier
Display IBRA region text
Tintinara (NCP04) | Naracoorte Coastal Plain | Rare (IUCN: RA d(ii)) [most popns. on roadsides] |
Kangaroo Island (KAN01) | Kanmantoo | Vulnerable (IUCN: VU D2) [a number of pops are in reserves] |
Fleurieu (KAN02) | | Vulnerable (IUCN: VU D1+2) (Probable Decline) [Martin O'Leary, Tim Croft felt it should be RA d(ii) edge of range; has good capability to regenerate; P Lang: VU; only found on roadsides] |
Southern Yorke (EYB01) | Eyre Yorke Block | Rare (IUCN: RA d(i)) (Definite Decline) [Hybridises with A. argyrophylla. Fragmented] |
St Vincent (EYB02) | | Rare (IUCN: RA b) (Definite Decline) [Hybridising, roadside plants. Taxonomic issues] |
Eyre Hills (EYB03) | | Rare (IUCN: RA d(i,ii)) (Probable Decline) [land clearance] |
Talia (EYB04) | | Least Concern |
Eyre Mallee (EYB05) | | Least Concern |
South Olary Plain (MDD01) | Murray Darling Depression | Least Concern |
Murray Mallee (MDD02) | | Least Concern |
Murray Lakes and Coorong (MDD03) | | Rare (IUCN: RA d(i,ii)) (Probable Decline) [most popns. on roadsides] |
Lowan Mallee (MDD04) | | Rare (IUCN: RA a) (Probable Decline) [taxo issues, poss different spp] |
Murray Scroll Belt (RIV06) | Riverina | Rare (IUCN: RA d(ii)) (Probable Decline) [limited habitat, not part of floodplain veg] |
Maralinga (GVD03) | Great Victoria Desert | Rare (IUCN: RA d(i,ii)) |
Yalata (NUL03) | Nullarbor | Rare (IUCN: RA d(i,ii)) |
Tintinara (NCP04) | Naracoorte Coastal Plain | Rare (IUCN: RA d(ii)) [most popns. on roadsides] |
2 of 2 subregions | Kanmantoo | Vulnerable |
5 of 5 subregions | Eyre Yorke Block | Least Concern , Rare |
4 of 6 subregions | Murray Darling Depression | Least Concern , Rare |
Murray Scroll Belt (RIV06) | Riverina | Rare (IUCN: RA d(ii)) (Probable Decline) [limited habitat, not part of floodplain veg] |
Maralinga (GVD03) | Great Victoria Desert | Rare (IUCN: RA d(i,ii)) |
Yalata (NUL03) | Nullarbor | Rare (IUCN: RA d(i,ii)) |
Botanical art
Kath Alcock paintings: 15
Prior names
Acacia brachybotrya f. glabra
Acacia brachybotrya var. glaucophylla
Acacia brachybotrya f. glaucophylla
Acacia dictyocarpa
Common names
Grey Wattle
Grey Mulga-bush
Acacia from the Greek 'akakia' and derived from 'ake' or 'akis 'meaning a sharp point or thorn and 'akazo' meaning to sharpen. Dioscorides, the Greek physician and botanist used the word in the 1st century AD for the Egyptian thorn tree, Acacia arabica. Brachybotrya from the Greek 'brachys' meaning short and 'botrys' meaning a spike, referring to the flower on a short penduncle.
Distribution and status
Found across most of South Australia except the more arid part, in open-scrub mallee vegetation and open woodland on a variety of soils. Also found in New South Wales and Victoria. Native. Common in South Australia. Common in the other States.
Herbarium regions: Nullarbor, Flinders Ranges, Eyre Peninsula, Northern Lofty, Murray, Yorke Peninsula, Southern Lofty, Kangaroo Island, South Eastern, Green Adelaide
AVH map: SA distribution map (external link)
Plant description
Compact, dense, rounded, spreading, grey-green shrubs to 3 m high and often the same or more across. Leaves obliquely oblanceolate to obovate to 3.5 cm long to 15 mm wide, flat, grey-green, glabrous or silky-hairy. Inflorescences axillary, solitary or mostly 2-5 globular, bright yellow flower-heads. Flowering from July to November. Fruits are long, dark brown, straight or slightly curved pod to 7 cm long and 6 mm wide, raised and sometimes warty. Seeds are dark brown to black, semi-flat, ovoid to 7 mm long and 4 mm wide. Seed embryo type is investing.
Seed collection and propagation
Collect seeds between October and January. Collect mature pods that are turning brown with hard, dark seeds inside. Place the pods in a tray and leave to dry for 1-2 weeks or until the pods begin to split. Then rub the dried pods to dislodge the seeds. Use a sieve to separate any unwanted material. Store the seeds with a desiccant such as dried silica beads or dry rice, in an air tight container in a cool and dry place. Seed viability is usually high. This species has physical dormancy that needs to be overcome for the seed to germinate (e.g. nicking or softening the seed coat).
Location | No. of seeds (weight grams) | Number of plants | Date collected | Collection number Collection location | Date stored | % Viability | Storage temperature | BGA | 1,400 (42.42 g) | 20+ | 4-Jan-2012 | KHB653 South Eastern | 1-Nov-2012 | 86% | -18°C |
Location: BGA — the seeds are stored at the Adelaide Botanic Gardens, MSB — the seeds are stored at the Millennium Seed Bank, Kew, England.
Number of plants: This is the number of plants from which the seeds were collected.
Collection location: The Herbarium of South Australia's region name.
% Viability: Percentage of filled healthy seeds determined by a cut test or x-ray.
Germination table: