Carolin Haron's Bill,
Clammy Heron's-bill,
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Regional Species Conservation Assessments per IBRA subregion.
Least concern
Near threatened
Critically endangered
Data deficient
Coober Pedy
Mount Gambier
Display IBRA region text
Broughton (FLB02) | Flinders Lofty Block | Rare (IUCN: RA d(i)) [no records] |
Olary Spur (FLB03) | | Least Concern [Two spp were merged to form this one - should include old E malacoides records. This assessment includes old records] |
Southern Flinders (FLB04) | | Rare (IUCN: RA d(i)) [no records] |
Northern Flinders (FLB05) | | Least Concern |
Central Flinders (FLB06) | | Least Concern |
St Vincent (EYB02) | Eyre Yorke Block | Rare (IUCN: RA d(i)) [no records] |
Braemer (MDD07) | Murray Darling Depression | Least Concern [no records] |
Myall Plains (GAW01) | Gawler | Rare (IUCN: RA d(ii)) |
Gawler Volcanics (GAW02) | | Least Concern |
Gawler Lakes (GAW03) | | Rare (IUCN: RA d(ii)) |
Arcoona Plateau (GAW04) | | Least Concern |
Kingoonya (GAW05) | | Least Concern |
Torrens (GAW06) | | Least Concern |
Roxby (GAW07) | | Least Concern |
Commonwealth Hill (GAW08) | | Least Concern |
Maralinga (GVD03) | Great Victoria Desert | Least Concern |
Kintore (GVD04) | | Near Threatened |
Tallaringa (GVD05) | | Near Threatened |
Yellabinna (GVD06) | | Least Concern |
Nullarbor Plain (NUL02) | Nullarbor | Least Concern [should be more records] |
Barrier Range (BHC01) | Broken Hill Complex | Least Concern [no records] |
Barrier Range Outwash (BHC04) | | Least Concern [Two spp were merged to form this one - should include old E malacoides records. This assessment includes old records] |
Bimbowrie (BHC05) | | Least Concern [Two spp were merged to form this one - should include old E malacoides records. This assessment includes old records] |
Curnamona (BHC06) | | Least Concern [Two spp were merged to form this one - should include old E malacoides records. This assessment includes old records] |
Simpson Desert (SSD02) | Simpson Strzelecki Dunefields | Least Concern |
Dieri (SSD03) | | Least Concern |
Warriner (SSD04) | | Least Concern |
Strzelecki Desert (SSD05) | | Least Concern |
Breakaways (STP01) | Stony Plains | Least Concern |
Oodnadatta (STP02) | | Least Concern |
Murnpeowie (STP03) | | Least Concern |
Macumba (STP05) | | Least Concern [missing Bio-survey records] |
Witjira (STP06) | | Least Concern [missing Bio-survey records] |
Baltana (STP07) | | Least Concern |
Sturt Stony Desert (CHC02) | Channel Country | Least Concern |
Coongie (CHC06) | | Least Concern |
Lake Pure (CHC07) | | Least Concern |
Mann-Musgrave Block (CER01) | Central Ranges | Least Concern [missing Bio-survey records] |
Watarru (CER02) | | Least Concern [(no records) missing Bio-survey records] |
Pedirka (FIN04) | Finke | Least Concern [(no records) missing Bio-survey records] |
5 of 6 subregions | Flinders Lofty Block | Least Concern , Rare |
St Vincent (EYB02) | Eyre Yorke Block | Rare (IUCN: RA d(i)) [no records] |
Braemer (MDD07) | Murray Darling Depression | Least Concern [no records] |
8 of 8 subregions | Gawler | Least Concern , Rare |
4 of 4 subregions | Great Victoria Desert | Least Concern , Near Threatened |
Nullarbor Plain (NUL02) | Nullarbor | Least Concern [should be more records] |
4 of 4 subregions | Broken Hill Complex | Least Concern |
4 of 4 subregions | Simpson Strzelecki Dunefields | Least Concern |
6 of 7 subregions | Stony Plains | Least Concern |
3 of 4 subregions | Channel Country | Least Concern |
2 of 3 subregions | Central Ranges | Least Concern |
Pedirka (FIN04) | Finke | Least Concern [(no records) missing Bio-survey records] |
Botanical art
Kath Alcock paintings: 2
Prior names
Erodium cygnorum ssp. glandulosum, partly
Common names
Carolin Haron's Bill
Clammy Heron's-bill
Erodium from the Greek 'erodios' meaning heron; alluding to the fruit resembling the head and beak of this bird. Carolinianum named after Prof. Roger Charles Carolin (1929-), an Associate Professor at the University of Sydney, plant taxonomist, principal author of Flora of Australia Vol. 35. Brunoniaceae & Goodeniacea, revisional treatments in Geraniaceae and collector of the holotype for this species from Butler's Peak Range near Fowler's Gap in 1956.
Distribution and status
Found in the northern part of South Australia, growing in open communities in arid and semi-arid regions. Also found in Western Australia, Northern Territory, Queensland and New South Wales. Native. Common in South Australia. Uncommon in Western Australia and Queensland. Common in the other states.
Herbarium regions: North Western, Lake Eyre, Nullarbor, Gairdner-Torrens, Flinders Ranges, Eastern, Eyre Peninsula, Northern Lofty
AVH map: SA distribution map (external link)
Plant description
Prostrate, decumbent or ascending annual herb to 30 cm high covered with soft glandular hairs. Basal leaves palmatifid with lobes toothed and covered in glandular-hairs both surfaces. Flowers in umbels of 2-6, sepals with glandular hairs, petals blue-purple with bases and veins red. Flowering between May and September. Fruits are long brown capsule. Seeds are brown ovoid seed (mericarp) to 8 mm long, covered in long white hairs and with a 55 mm long hairy awn-like attachment, pit at the top of the seed without any hairs.
Seed collection and propagation
Collect seeds between July and November. Collect matured capsules, those that are turning brown and have exposed brown seeds. Place the capsules in a tray and leave to dry fro 1 to 2 weeks. If only seeds collected, no further cleaning is required. If other material is collected, use a sieve to separate unwanted material. Store the seeds with a desiccant such as dried silica beads or dry rice, in an air tight container in a cool and dry place. This species has physical dormancy that needs to be overcome for the seed to germinate (e.g. nicking or softening the seed coat).