Plants of
South Australia
Goodenia berringbinensis
Arid Swamp Goodenia
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Distribution by Herbarium region
Coober Pedy
Mount Gambier

Common names

Arid Swamp Goodenia


Goodenia named after Samuel Goodenough (1743-1827), an Bishop of Carlisle, an amateur botanist and collector and vice-president of the Royal Society. Berringbinensis named after Berringbine Creek, Belele Station, Western Australia, where the type specimen was collected from.

Distribution and status

Only one record in South Australia, from north of Coober Pedy, growing on mounds in an ephemeral lignum swamp with Eleocharis pallens, Calotis hispidula, Peplidium aithocheilum and Calandrinia pumila. Also found in Western Australia. Native. Very rare in South Australia. Rare in Western Australia.
Herbarium region: Lake Eyre
AVH map: SA distribution map (external link)

Plant description

Minutely glandular decumbent, facultative amphibious herb with flowering stalks to 30 cm long and thin tap roots. Leaves two types, elliptic to 50 mm long and 10 mm wide on long extended stalk to 350 mm long when floating on the surface. In dried condition mostly basal, oblanceolate to spathulate to 60 mm long and 10 mm wide, tapering gradually into a stalk to 30 mm long, margin entire or with a few teeth, hairy. inflorescence in loose spreading terminal spike with elongated yellow (purple striation) fan-flowers. Flowering between June and October. Fruits are brown hairy ellipsoid capsule to 8 mm long with sepals attached about half way and splitting in two. Seeds are flat light brown ovoid seed to 0.8 mm long and 0.4 mm wide, with a smooth surface and clear wing around the outer edge. Seed embryo type is spatulate.

Seed collection and propagation

Collect seeds between September and October. Collect capsules that are maturing, turning brown, easily split open and with brown seeds inside. Place the capsules in a tray and leave to dry for a week. Then rub the capsules with your hands to dislodge the seeds. Use a sieve to separate the unwanted material. Be careful as the seeds are very fine. Store the seeds with a desiccant such as dried silica beads or dry rice, in an air tight container in a cool and dry place. From one collection, the seed viability is high, at 100%.

Seeds stored:
LocationNo. of seeds
(weight grams)
of plants
Collection number
Collection location
% ViabilityStorage
100,000 (6.77 g)
100,000 (6.77 g)
Lake Eyre
1-Nov-2017100%+5°C, -18°C, -80°C
Location: BGA — the seeds are stored at the Adelaide Botanic Gardens, MSB — the seeds are stored at the Millennium Seed Bank, Kew, England.
Number of plants: This is the number of plants from which the seeds were collected.
Collection location: The Herbarium of South Australia's region name.
% Viability: Percentage of filled healthy seeds determined by a cut test or x-ray.
Germination table: