Host Eucalyptus leptophylla for Buprestidae of South Australia
( Jewel beetles )
by Peter J. Lang
Host plant Eucalyptus leptophylla  (Narrow-leaf Red Mallee)
Eucalyptus leptophylla p Denzel Murfet Ferries McDonald CP Eucalyptus leptophylla bud Denzel Murfet Finniss Eucalyptus leptophylla f Denzel Murfet Ferries McDonald CP Eucalyptus leptophylla fl Denzel Murfet Milang Temognatha heros, PL1305, adult host plant, Eucalyptus leptophylla, MU
Adult host: Buprestidae species recorded as adults on Eucalyptus leptophylla, displayed in reverse count order
Temognatha heros, PL3536B, male, EP
Temognatha heros (291)
Temognatha heros, PL1303, on Eucalyptus leptophylla, MU
shown on Eucalyptus leptophylla
Castiarina pallidipennis, PL1427, male, EP
Castiarina pallidipennis (137)
Castiarina pallidipennis, PL1404A, female, on Melaleuca lanceolata, EP
shown on Melaleuca lanceolata
Castiarina subnotata, PL1405A, male, EP
Castiarina subnotata (133)
Castiarina subnotata, PL1422, EP
Temognatha stevensii, PL3520A, male, EP
Temognatha stevensii (133)
Temognatha stevensii, PL1438, female, on Eucalyptus leptophylla, EP
shown on Eucalyptus leptophylla
Neocuris cf. viridimicans, PL1424B, male, from Melaleuca lanceolata, EP
Neocuris cf. viridimicans (113)
Neocuris cf. viridimicans, PL1424A, female, from Melaleuca lanceolata, EP
Castiarina gardnerae, PL3196, female, from Senna artemisioides ssp. filifolia, MU
Castiarina gardnerae (70)
Castiarina gardnerae, PL1412B, on Melaleuca lanceolata, EP
shown on Melaleuca lanceolata
Temognatha mnizechii mnizechii, PL3542C, male, EP
Temognatha mnizechii mnizechii (51)
Temognatha mnizechii mnizechii, PL3542, on Eucalyptus leptophylla, EP
shown on Eucalyptus leptophylla
Castiarina subtincta, PL3546B, female, EP
Castiarina subtincta (48)
Castiarina subtincta, PL1443, on Eucalyptus leptophylla, EP
shown on Eucalyptus leptophylla
Temognatha parvicollis parvicollis, PL3538, male, EP
Temognatha parvicollis parvicollis (19)
Temognatha parvicollis parvicollis, PL1340, male, on Eucalyptus leptophylla, SE
shown on Eucalyptus leptophylla
Temognatha wimmerae wimmerae, PL3532B, male, EP
Temognatha wimmerae wimmerae (14)
Temognatha wimmerae wimmerae, PL1414, male, EP
Neocuris thoracica, DAY118, on flowering Eucalyptus rugosa, KI
Neocuris thoracica (13), shown on flowering Eucalyptus rugosa
Selagis sp. Small, PL3209A, male, from Melaleuca lanceolata, MU
Selagis sp. Small (12)
Selagis sp. Small, PL2263A, male, on Eucalyptus leptophylla, EP
shown on Eucalyptus leptophylla
Castiarina flava, PL1439A, female, from Eucalyptus leptophylla, EP
Castiarina flava (7)
Castiarina flava, PL2714, on Eucalyptus socialis, EP
shown on Eucalyptus socialis
Calotemognatha yarelli yarelli, PL3552, female, from Melaleuca lanceolata, EP
Calotemognatha yarelli yarelli (6)
Calotemognatha yarelli yarelli, PL3552, female, on Melaleuca lanceolata, EP
shown on Melaleuca lanceolata
Temognatha mitchellii, PL3791, female, SE
Temognatha mitchellii (6)
Temognatha mitchellii, PL4962, female, on Eucalyptus socialis, SE
shown on Eucalyptus socialis
Neocuris pubescens, PL2168, female, from Allocasuarina verticillata, SL
Neocuris pubescens (5)
Neocuris pubescens, DAY120, from flowering Eucalyptus rugosa, KI
Temognatha cf. marginalis, PL1428, female, EP
Temognatha cf. marginalis (5)
Temognatha cf. marginalis, PL1428, female, on Melaleuca lanceolata, EP
shown on Melaleuca lanceolata
Castiarina crockerae, PL3564, male, EP
Castiarina crockerae (3)
Castiarina crockerae, PL3564, male, on Eucalyptus leptophylla, EP
shown on Eucalyptus leptophylla
Anilara obscura, PL3180B, male, from Eucalyptus microcarpa dead foliage, SL
Anilara obscura (2)
Anilara obscura, PL3178B, female, on Eucalyptus microcarpa, SL
shown on Eucalyptus microcarpa
Castiarina cyanipes, PL0841, female, from Grevillea pterosperma, EP
Castiarina cyanipes (2)
Castiarina cyanipes, PL0841, female, on Grevillea pterosperma, EP
shown on Grevillea pterosperma
Anilara angusta, PL2475, from Eucalyptus baxteri dead foliage, SL
Anilara angusta (1)
Anilara angusta, PL3226E, male, on dead leaves of Eucalyptus camaldulensis ssp. camaldulensis, MU
shown on dead leaves of Eucalyptus camaldulensis ssp. camaldulensis
Anilara sp. Rotund, PL3408G, PL3408F, male, SE
Anilara sp. Rotund (1)
Anilara sp. Rotund, PL3408G, on Allocasuarina muelleriana ssp. muelleriana, SE
shown on Allocasuarina muelleriana ssp. muelleriana
Castiarina pallidiventris, PL3303A, female, SE
Castiarina pallidiventris (1)
Castiarina pallidiventris, PL0308A, on Hysterobaeckea behrii, EP
shown on Hysterobaeckea behrii
Neocuris dichroa, PL1349, female, from Eucalyptus phenax ssp. phenax, EP
Neocuris dichroa (1)
Neocuris dichroa, PL3819B, female, on Eutaxia microphylla (PJL 3117), for photo, SE
shown on Eutaxia microphylla (PJL 3117), for photo
Temognatha fusca, SID3401, male, EP, photo by D.S. Thompson
Temognatha fusca (1)
Temognatha pubicollis, PL3978, female, from Leptospermum coriaceum, EP
Temognatha pubicollis (1)
Temognatha pubicollis, PL3978, female, on Leptospermum coriaceum, EP
shown on Leptospermum coriaceum
Larval host: Buprestidae species recorded breeding in Eucalyptus leptophylla, displayed in reverse count order
Astraeus major, PL5374, male, from Eucalyptus leptophylla stem, SE
Astraeus major (11)
Astraeus major, PL5374, male, on larval host species Eucalyptus leptophylla for photo, SE
Astraeus major, PL4746A, larva, in Eucalyptus leptophylla stem, SE, photo by A.M.P. Stolarski
Astraeus major, PL4746A, larva, from Eucalyptus leptophylla stem, SE, photo by A.M.P. Stolarski
Astraeus major, PL4764, larva, from Eucalyptus porosa stem, dorsal view, SE
Astraeus major, PL4764, larva, from Eucalyptus porosa stem, dorsal view, SE
Anilara obscura, PL3180B, male, from Eucalyptus microcarpa dead foliage, SL
Anilara obscura (10)
Anilara obscura, PL3178B, female, on Eucalyptus microcarpa, SL
shown on Eucalyptus microcarpa
Pseudanilara purpureicollis, PL5553C, male, reared from prepupa ex dead Eucalyptus leptophylla stem, SE
Pseudanilara purpureicollis (9)
Pseudanilara purpureicollis, PL2991C, female, on dead Acacia notabilis, SL
shown on dead Acacia notabilis
Pseudanilara purpureicollis, PL5553Ax, pupa, reared from prepupa ex dead Eucalyptus leptophylla stem, SE
Pseudanilara purpureicollis, PL5553Cx, pupa, reared from prepupa ex dead Eucalyptus leptophylla stem, SE
Pseudanilara purpureicollis, PL5695x, male, pupa, from Allocasuarina helmsii dead stem, photo on 11 Nov 2022, EP
Pseudanilara purpureicollis, PL5705x, female, pupa, from Allocasuarina helmsii (PJL 3623) dead stem, photo on 29 Dec 2022, EP
Pseudanilara purpureicollis, PL5553Axx, prepupa, in dead Eucalyptus leptophylla stem, SE, photo by A.M.P. Stolarski
Pseudanilara purpureicollis, PL5696x, prepupa, in Allocasuarina helmsii dead stem, EP
Pseudanilara purpureicollis, PL5706A, larva, in Allocasuarina helmsii (PJL 3623) dead stem, dorsal view, EP, photo by A.M.P. Stolarski
Anilara angusta, PL2475, from Eucalyptus baxteri dead foliage, SL
Anilara angusta (3)
Anilara angusta, PL3226E, male, on dead leaves of Eucalyptus camaldulensis ssp. camaldulensis, MU
shown on dead leaves of Eucalyptus camaldulensis ssp. camaldulensis